One-minute meditation; Handwashing

When I feel anxious, my mind is racing around trying to figure out what I can do next, it’s my 🧠’s way of keeping me safe. Unfortunately, the brain tends to go on overdrive, creating more stress and anxiety, which is not great for one’s immune system.
And so I’m practicing mindful hand washing as a way to drop in, calm my nerves and focus on what I can control.
Here’s how you do it: slow down, take a full breath in and full breath out. Turn on the water. Listen to the sound. Feel the temperature over your skin. Keep breathing. Soap up. Feel the bubbles foam over the hands, between the fingers, under the nails. Notice the soap change color, texture and shape. Give yourself time to really experience the transformation taking place. Notice any emotions arising. Perhaps gratitude, wonder at how the water turns on! Rinse. Feel the freshness of the water over your skin as you wash away what doesn’t belong to you. Sending all the dirt, stress and angst, down the drain and back to the earth. Turn the water off and dry your hands thoroughly. Take a breath in and out. Continue on with your day, offering yourself a moment of loving-kindness “my I be well, may I feel peaceful.”